Monday, July 27, 2009


What do this cute boy....

and this cute boy....

have in common?

Well...they are both very smart. They both have the most adorable smiles and laughs. They both have mischievous (actually, make that very mischievous) personalities. They are both very determined to have fun. They both love to read and be read to. They both hate going to sleep. They both love starbursts.....

oh yeah....and come January, they will both be big brothers!!

We are very excited to see what the third addition to our family will be like!

Stay tuned for more details!


Katie said...

I'm so excited! Especially because I'll be in Provo when the baby is born! :)

AJ and Cindy said...

yay! I am glad you finally announced it, now I can talk about our baby having a new cousin on our blog :)

. said...

Oooooo! Congratulations! Very exciting! If you're luck is any like mine, maybe you'll get a 3rd little monkey to follow in their footsteps! We didn't get anything different until kid 4!

Lowe Family said...

I am so glad we live so close! It's been so fun getting together! It will be even more fun when we can share new born baby stories and adventures!

Rheanna said...

Congratulations! That is very exciting. I am so happy for you. What a lucky baby to be coming to such a fantastic family!

Olivia said...

No Way! That is exciting news. You'll be joining the 3 kids group. Which is awesome of course. Bets of luck with the pregnancy. I hope you get a girl this time. Look forward to hearing update. Congrats.

Linsi said...

Congrats!!!! Are the big brothers excited?

Kim said...

Congratulations!! That is wonderful news. Good luck with the pregnancy.

KarlyO said...

Congrats! Growing a family is always exciting! I hope that you are feeling well!

Meg said...

Okay, I am way late on congratulating but the late ones are the best, right? I am so excited for you. I hope your pregnancy goes fast. I think mine did up until the end and then it felt like forever. And I am so sorry we never hooked up. I didn't get your comment until after we got back and I would have loved to see you. It was a really chaotic day there. We had to drop my sister off at EFY (do you remember going, I was observing all the kids and they looked so young and I couldn't believe it had been 14 years since I had started going) and it took way longer than expected because they had to take temperatures to make sure no one had swine flu. Anyways when we are back up that way I would love to see you. Can't wait to find out what you are having.

dancing queen said...

Ahhh! So much fun! Can't wait to hear what you're having next!!! :) Guess I'll have to stay tuned! Lol

Headle said...

Congratulations Kristalyn!!!! That is so, so exciting for you!!!!! YEA!! You should really have a bazillion kids...they are adorable!

Babzanne Barker said...

Can you believe you are just a little over three months away?!! Don't forget to have Katie come babysit one of these nights so that you and David can get out together. (I think her GPS will get her there--haha!)