Friday, September 26, 2008

Halloween preparations

The same weekend that I spent a lot of time on Craig's list looking for the jump-er-oo, I came across another ad. This one was from a photographer who wanted to take pictures of kids, especially babies in their Halloween costumes. Of course, I could not resist responding for this complimentary photo session.

Last weekend, we met with Vivika and she took some amazing pictures. At first, Mason was really shy and wouldn't even look at the camera, he just kept holding his hands over his face. That is what he is doing in the one picture that I appear in. Now the hard part will be deciding which ones we want to order!

If you want to see some cute pictures, click HERE

If it asks you for a password, it is Halloween. Just click on 'view event' and then you can see our pictures. If you want, you can choose the slide show option and you will be able to see the pictures bigger. For any Grandma, Grandpas, Aunts or Uncles out there who may be interested, you can order some of these pictures directly from that website if you want. :)

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Jumping through the years

When Mason was almost 5 months, we got this 'Hop and Pop' jumper for him.

When Carter was about the same age, we got it out for him. It's so amazing to me that our boys look so different from each other. Both of them got their Daddy's long eyelashes, though, so that's a similarity.

What do you think? Do you see similarities?

When Mason looked like this...

the day when he would look like

THIS seemed so far away....yet here it is. I know it's cliche to say...but time really does fly!

Of course Mason wanted to help Carter learn about this new toy. I LOVE Carter's expressions in these next two photos!

After Carter tried out the traditional Jump-er-oo at some friends' houses, I spent a weekend checking Craig's list and found a great deal. Carter definitely likes the bigger version better, it was definitely a worthwhile investment.

For your viewing pleasure, here are two videos of him jumping in his new jump-er-oo.

You can scroll down on the right hand side of the blog and put the music playing on pause to hear it better.

I promise that I usually don't give Mason a 'treat' just because he asks for one, but I had told him before I started taping Carter that I would give him one. He's eating strawberry marshmallows FYI. :)

Notice how long Carter jumps in the second one, the whole time that I am talking to Mason. That is just a short time compared to how long it usually it. :)

Thank goodness for baby toys

This is how we quite often find Carter after he has been crying himself to sleep during a car ride. Any little toy that is circular seems to give him comfort. He's so precious!

Monday, September 1, 2008

Recipe for a typical summer day

Take this Mischief Maker
to a mostly dry park...but add one semi-hidden mud puddle.
Then look away for 33 seconds...and you will have a boy who is thrilled to be only wearing his diaper
his shorts look like this:
Of course, it's always more fun to have a partner in crime...
Mason's favorite is his cousin Levi!
Meanwhile...angelic Carter smiles and coos in the grass...never dreaming of playing in a mud/clay puddle. :)