Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Escape Artist

Mason has become quite the little escape artist lately! Here are some pictures of when we went to the park about a month ago. There was a petting zoo and a train, so of course Mason had a great time! We were meeting some friends and got there first. Here is Mason, waiting for the fun to begin. :)

This is Mason and his friend Camden, they get to see a lot of each other from the view of the stroller. :)

Mason had a fun time chasing after the goats.

After we had washed our hands, it was time for lunch. Usually, whenever there is food, I don't have too much trouble keeping Mason on the blanket. All of that green grass was just too inviting. I settled on keeping a watchful eye on him as he journeyed to different parts of the park.

You can tell from this picture that he is having a great time! I love this smile, he knew that he wasn't supposed to be running away...but how could I be upset when he was beaming so big?

He finally decided that he would sit still for Dorito's...but I don't think that I will bring those again, at least for awhile. He was covered in orange by the time he was done! Here he is sharing the Dorito's with Carson...well, kind of sharing, he tried to take the chip Carson was eating out of his mouth! I guess we'll have to work on this sharing thing.

A couple of weeks later, we went to my brother, Michael's, baseball game. Mason wasted no time in getting to know the area.

Good thing Uncle Daniel was there to keep an eye on him!


Tamie said...

hey, i'm glad that you ahve emmersed from the land of Twilight. :)
it seems as though mason is keeping you on your toes....that is why i don't go to the park with kids younger than three. I practically have a heartattck about five or six times while watching the no-holds-barred play antics of my child on the jungle gym. i just can't handle it!

Anonymous said...

What a great post. i loved the picture of Mason eating the chips, he looked so cute! Miss you guys!

Katie said...

Wow, I just noticed on your sidebar that you are pregnant again. Congratulations, I had no idea! I'm excited to see pictures of another cutie like Mason soon!

Beth said...

Yay, you're back from Twilight land! :) I just barely started reading the first book. CONGRATULATIONS on the big news!! I'm so excited for you! Mason is such a cutie, and it looks like he keeps you nice and busy!