Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Responding to a tag

My cousin, Kim, tagged me quite awhile ago. I always meant to respond, but I haven't yet. Mason is sleeping in this morning...so here it is:

The rules of the game should be posted at the beginning of the post. Each player lists 6 facts/habits about themselves. At the end of the post, the player then tags 6 people and posts their names, then goes to their blogs and leaves them a comment, letting them know that they have been tagged and asking them to read your blog.

So here are 6 facts/habits about Kristalyn:

1. Whenever there are brownies, cookies, cake or anything like that in the house in the morning, I have an uncontrollable compulsion to eat them for breakfast. This unfortunate compulsion started when I was very young, I can still remember eating birthday cake for breakfast the day after any birthday in my house. I do this despite the fact that I ALWAYS feel sick afterwards. I usually don't even like to eat donuts too early in the morning 'cuz the sugar just makes me feel so gross. I don't know why I have to have cookies and brownies for breakfast, just 'cuz they are sitting there, old habits die hard, I guess!

2. In high school, a friend and I kept track in the back of our Writer's Ink books how many times we said "hi" to different boys.

3. On my wedding day, after the ceremony in the temple, we took the usual pictures outside on the temple grounds. Because my wedding dress did not have pockets, my mom held on to my recommend and locker key for me. We both forgot about this fact, and when it came time for my mom to go home to prepare for the rest of the day, we didn't think anything of it. Not until it was time for me to go back into the temple and change for the picnic lunch that David's family was hosting. Despite the fact that I had just gotten married in the temple, and David and I was in what was obviously a wedding atire, they would not let me back in without my recommend. My parents were unreachable at that time, so I was taken into the side office and told that I had to call my branch president. All of the emotions of the day and the stress of what was happening made me start to cry. This, apparently, was the right thing to do because as soon as the temple workers saw that, they decided to just let me through. I went back to the changing room and it was obvious that I had been crying...all of the nice ladies back there probably thought I had been left by my groom or something. Luckily there was a master key that let me get into my locker.

4. When I was a couple months pregnant with Mason, I was on a business trip for my work. I still hadn't told anyone at work that I was pregnant, and for the most part, I was feeling fine. The trip was actually a sales trip, and as good salesmen usually do, the one that I was working with took the customers out to a fancy restaurant, and I got to come. I had duck with this really good sauce and I ate the whole thing, plus dessert. On the way home, I immediately regretted that decision. I normally have a tendency to be carsick, but when I'm pregnant, it's magnified by at least 100. Of course, the drive home was not smooth and had a lot of stops and turns. I told the sales guy, who was driving, that I think I was going to be sick and asked if we could pull over. If that wasn't embarrassing enough, it took a while to find a spot to pull over, and so I had to unroll the window to avoid making a mess. When the sales guy saw this...he immediately swerved to the nearest parking lot. In the process, he hit the backside of a big truck and bashed out the headlights of the rental car we were using. He is a nice guy and never mentioned the incident again...but I was soooo embarrassed!

5. In college, I never really watched anything on television. I was nerd and if I had time to watch tv, I would rather use it to study chemistry or something. I thought that since I got through 4 years of not caring about tv, I could do it the rest of my life. I have to admit that I do try never to miss the shows: House, Criminal Minds, Journeyman (newly added this season), and NCIS.

6. Right now, I'm taking a course to become a medical transcriptionist. If all goes well, I'll start early next year helping out with our income by doing this.

OK...I would be interested to know about any one...if you're reading it and feel so inclined, you're tagged....but especially: Penny, Lauren and Alisa. :)


AJ and Cindy said...

Kristalyn I am so totally the same way about the cookies or brownies thing. Every time we have baked something I always HAVE to have one of them for breakfast. I always try not to but I feel like it's my only opportunity even though I know it's not. this must run in our family!

Diana said...

It toally runs in the family! I just had Chocolate chip cookies that I made yesterday for breakfast this morning!! lol I loved all of your interesting facts by the way. I can't think of that many things about myself that are interesting, that is why I havn't done it yet. I will do it one of these days though!

Daniel said...

Yeah i definitely ate cake and pumpkin cookies for breakfast this morning. it must be a family thing. (thanks for the cookies cindy)

Headle said...

Thank you so much for the adorable comment on my blog!! You are seriously one of the SWEETEST people I've ever known. You are always so sincerely nice to everyone you meet. You take a genuine interest in others! You've always left such a rich impression of Christ-like love in my life. I'm so glad that we are back in touch. Looks like you have a beautiful family. I bet you are an amazing mother!

Jill Lewis said...

I loved learning more about you through this. That is such a funny story (not at the time though) about your wedding day and I had to laugh at the pregnancy story too. I miss you. Good luck with your transcriptionist course-are you going through career step by chance? I have thought about doing their program. Anyway, thanks for keeping your blog updated.
Jill Lewis

Katie said...

Kristalyn!! Your throw up story has me laughing out loud right now- I've never heard that one. What a GREAT story!!!!

Babzanne Barker said...

Wow--well, now I guess I'll take the blame for the cake for breakfast thing. I had leftover birthday cake from ice cream for breakfast on Monday! hahahaha The lady at the temple when you got married told me we would be laughing about what happened someday, and I guess she was right. Thanks for not putting all the blame on your mother, like she deserved.