Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Getting Carter to smile

Since I got my first published blog book back, I have been more diligent in trying to capture pictures to blog about so that we can have a more complete history when I finally get around to doing our blog book for 2009. I have been having the hardest time though getting Carter to look at the camera and smile. He is just not interested. I try to be funny and say things or do things that will make him look at me, and if I am successful, I snap the picture. But our camera is not quick enough to catch his slight interest...and after 10 to 15 minutes of trying...I end up with things like this:

Or this:

Or even this:

Does anyone else have this problem with your one-year-olds?

I was able to find these pictures that do capture the smiley boy that we know so well. :)

1 comment:

Lowe Family said...

I just get a cheesy grin out of Katie...there is no winning with them from the age of 1-3 :)