Monday, May 7, 2007


I don't really enjoy Mondays. I don't know if there is any really that does. Here is my reason, and it may seem kind of dumb, but I was thinking about this this morning and decided to record it for posterity :). During my whole pregnancy with Mason, I was working a pretty demanding job and so I was always really tired. I never took the time to clean the bathrooms. The Monday after we brought Mason home from the hospital, I decided to tackle them. Needless to say, they were pretty bad. I made a resolution right then that I would never let them get into that condition again. I decided that I would clean the bathrooms every Monday for the rest of my life. I have pretty much kept that resolution, except when a holiday fell on that day or something. I have to admit that it is nice having relatively clean bathrooms...but, boy, do I dread Monday mornings!

Haha I know that it only takes about an hour...and that is out of the 168 hours that I have in the week, so it is worth it. It is also nice, on Monday afternoons, to realize that I will not have to do it again for a week. I used to clean them first thing every morning. But then, Mason became mobile and curious. It became impossible to keep him out of the room, unless I locked myself in and then, he would just stand at the door screaming. (What can I say...he loves to be with me!). So now I've resorted to dedicating some of his precious nap time to the task.

Anyways...that was just a random thought that I had....

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