One of things that sets The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints apart from other churches is that we have a living prophet who receives revelation that is relevant for our day.
I remember when I was in Young Womens, and
The Family: A Proclamation to the World was revealed. I remember that one Saturday, we were asked to go door to door and pass out copies of this Proclamation. While we recognized that this was a new revelation and recognized it as scripture, I don't think that any of us realized how these profound truths would be threatened.
This November, the citizens of California will be voting on Proposition 8. A 'yes' vote is in support of legally recognizing only the marriage between a man and a woman. I just reread the Proclamation and it really stuck out to me how many times it specifically mentions that marriage between a MAN and a WOMAN is central to God's plan.
I know that this is not a mere coincidence that more than a decade ago, Heavenly Father, through our prophet, began preparing and reinforcing in his children the importance of marriage being between a man and a woman. I know that the wording of The Proclamation is deliberate.
The proclamation states that "the family is central to the Creator's plan for the eternal destiny of His children."
There is a reason that Satan is attacking the family in this nation. He knows that if he can get the central part of the PLAN to distinigrate, he can personally interfere with the eternal destiny of our brothers and sisters.
Satan is working hard to see that Proposition 8 does not pass. I just received an email where a sister tells of her experience in attending the Oakland Temple. She said that there was a mob of protesters, harassing those going to serve in the temple. This because the church is involved in supporting Proposition 8.
This really hit me hard. The time has come for us, as members of the church, to stand up for what we believe in. We can not afford to be silent. Our leaders have said that if this proposition passes in California, it will spread to the rest of the country. No matter where we live, we will eventually face opposition in attending the temple. In Boston, where homosexual marriage is legal, churches have already been losing their 'tax exempt' status because they refuse to marry couples that are not a man and a woman. The church will never bend on this and so the possibility of us becoming an illegal entity is very real.
We have been asked to fast and pray this weekend for the success of this proposition.
These are truly the last days and we are seeing prophecies being fulfilled.
I am grateful for our leaders and I know that if we follow their counsel, we will be able to enjoy peace and happiness in our lives.