Carter was blessed the Sunday of Memorial Day weekend. It was so special to have so many family members there. We really missed Brian, Aaron, and Cindy, though!
We have Levi to thank for the adorable blessing suit. The Bronson's have kindly lent it to us for both Mason and Carter.
Now it is a tradition and hopefully all future grandsons will be able to wear this suit on their blessing day. :)
I guess our boys don't enjoy the cute blessing hat...including David. He never lets me keep it on them while they are getting
blessed because he doesn't want them to wear a bonnet. :)

One of these crying boys is Mason and one is Carter, can you guess which one is which?
There is also another picture of Mason mixed in the next few pictures. If anyone wants, I'll tell you which ones are Mason later.
I tried to get the sideways pictures turned, but I couldn't do it...sorry!
David gave Carter a beautiful blessing that said that Carter would be an example and help others and that he would serve a mission and marry in the temple, among other things.
It is so wonderful to know that David is worthy to give our family priesthood blessings when we need them!
About 10 minutes before Sacrament meeting was over, we looked over at Mason, who was unusually quiet and noticed that his head was nodding. Then...he fell over! Our sweet Mason had fallen asleep! That's what happens when church falls at the exact same time that nap time does!
Even though I was happy that Mason was getting the rest that he needed, my v
isions of a good family picture were gone. Not that this picture isn't good..the photographer (Brandon) was excellent...I just wish that the boys were smiling instead of sleeping. :)
It's amazing how alike your boys look in those pictures. You can tell there are differences, but there are definitely similarities. Cute pictures!!
Aaahhh...what a handsome little man. Love the family picture at the top of your the shades! The graduation picture brought back memories...ten years ago. wow!
So cute! I can't believe how similar carter and mason look! So handsome.
I love blessing days. Especially when it's all over and they are blessed and have name on the records of the church. It's a great blessing to have a priesthood holder beable to bless, baptize, confirm, and set apart as a deacon. My oldest just turned 12 in April. Wow. It truely is a blessing. Cute family.
That is so funny that you have a picture of both of them screaming in that hat! My guess is that the second picture of them crying is Mason, and then the one right after that is also Mason laying on the green couch. They look so much alike!
I love that last picture of Carter! It is totally sweet! And I agree with Diana, the second crying baby picture has to be Mason. The family pictures are all so cute--what a beautiful family.
I just got caught up on all your posts! What fun pictures and stories! I'm excited to see you at the reunion in July.
Yeah! Love all of these sweet pictures! Blessings are so very special. Oh, what lucky boys to have you as their Mother! Your blog is so great.
p.s. I saw your comment on my blog-don't even worry about writing back to the email anytime soon! I know I asked you questions that take time to answer-really, I'm in no rush!
What cute blessing pictures! And they TOTALLY look SO much alike! And you look GREAT Kristalyn!
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